Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Concern" Communication

Post a letter/communique of concern to one of the prompts on the screen.


  1. Bert, recently I walked through your classroom and observed several students testing during an independent practice exercise. You were helping a student at your desk. You are a terrible teacher and should be replaced immediately.

  2. Deb,
    I"ve noticed you have been tardy three days this week. Please stop by Monday during your conference period and let's discuss. I look forward to our visit.

  3. Hey, Bert... when you get a chance, please drop by my office. I would like to take an opportunity to hear your side of a student complaint from your 3rd period Geometry class yesterday. Thanks!

  4. Deb,

    It has come to my attention that you may be having some trouble getting to work on time. Would you please come by my office today during 3rd period to discuss this matter? Thank you.

  5. Deb,
    I've noticed you're arriving to bus duty late most days. I need to speak with you about this matter. Student safety at the bus drop off area is too important for us to overlook.

  6. I am so sick and tired of you not being at your assigned duty!! You make me sick!! I can count on a 1st grader more than you!! If you arn't going to do your work, just quit! I'll give you a great recommendation letter!! Be advised I will now being looking for things to write you up on, so I can fire you!! Have a great day!!!

  7. Deb, I have become increasingly concerned with your being late to 1st period. I realize you drive from Lubbock each morning. I would like to meet with you during your conference in the next few days, thanks.

  8. Can you please come talk to me about a parent concern reguarding A Lovely. Can you meet with me Friday at 12:30? Look forward to visiting with you.

  9. Deb,
    Recently I have noticed that you are getting to work late. Please come by my office today during your conference to discuss the reasons for this.

  10. Sam,

    Being present at your assigned duty station is not considered voluntary. It is a very vital part of the safety and security of our campus. I have addressed this behavior with you on Date 1 and Date 2. You missed your duty again on Date 3. This will be documented through your PDAS instrument.

    If you feel this information to be inaccurate, please see me at your earliest convenience.

  11. Bert,
    Please come by my office during 3rd period tommrrow morning. We need to discuss your classroom management techniques.

  12. Dear Day late & dollar short Deb,
    Please come meet with me Monday morning at 8:30 during your conference.
    I'll have a prize for you if you show up on time!
    Hope you are having a GREAT day!
    Let me know if this time works for you.
    Sgt. smith

  13. Bert,
    I visited your classroom yesterday and I would like to meet with you regarding the level of active engagement I witnessed during that time. As we discussed during your formative evaluation, classroom management is something on which I asked you to work. Please come by at 2:00 pm, on Thursday.

  14. Sue-

    We ask that you pick up your 3rd grade music students at 12:45 everyday. I noticed that you are still having some problems doing this at that time. Please stop by my office today during your conference. We need to discuss this.

