Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank You practice

ØThink back over the last day (or week).

Recall an instance in which you obse
d someone on your campus "doing it right."
Write a very brief note of appreciation and
note specifically what it is you saw, heard, or
became aware of.
Use first names only, or psuedonyms.


  1. Good message... terrible format!

  2. Is it too impersonal to do this through email?

  3. M'Lowu & Catina, thank you so much for your work the last week in getting the benchmark(s) together and for getting our intervention/enrichment schedule together, without you we could not accomplish all the great things our kids need!! THANKS!! Keep up the great work

  4. Thanks for helping with the TELPAS training.

  5. In regards to the altercation at the basketball game last Friday, thank you for stepping up and offering to drive that student home--that really helped us to defuse the situation. It was MUCH appreciated.

  6. Mandi
    I am impressed with your effort to make sure that all of your students reach proficiency. The extra time you spend every day remediating students who are falling behind in your classroom before and after school are much appreciated by our students, and most especially by me. This practice exemplifies our common value of proficiency for all students. I am glad that we have you as a valuable member of the Paducah ISD family. Keep up the great work! Thanks you! Tra

  7. Barbi I appreciate how you care for our students. You took care of Lynette that evening when she needed someone to listen at 7:00pm. You are truly a special teacher.

  8. Margie,
    Thanks for keeping a record of all the assigments that we are sending to DAEP. It really helps the teachers and students.

  9. Carla
    Thanks so much for organizing task testing groups. I appreciate you!

  10. My computer teacher volunteered to reschedule non-TAKS teachers and staff for duties so that TAKS teachers could devote more time to their tutorials.

  11. Rosemary, thank you for covering the office at the last minute. Your team work is a great example to everyone!


  12. Terry, thanks for 29 years of making boys into men! Your interview went extremely well and I was proud to call you friend.

  13. Thanks so much for your willingness to step in and help our team here at our schoo. TPRI testing would not have gone nearly as smoothly if you weren't Assisting the teachers with testing. Most of all, thanks for the positive "can do" attitude that you have when interacting with others here at school!

  14. Angie, I have made aware that you missed breakfast duty this morning and a food fight occurred. Was there a reason you were late this morning? Please get with me ASAP.
